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Prepare Yourself for JEE Mains Paper 2

For candidates wishing to pursue careers in engineering, architecture, and planning, the National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts the JEE mains exam every year. During this article, we will devote time solely to the paper designed for architecture aspirants. Towards the end of the post, you will find all the information you need about JEE mains paper 2.


The JEE mains paper 2 is conducted twice a year and a candidate's highest percentile out of the two attempts is considered to be their final score. It is an online-based examination however the drawing part of the exam is pen and paper-based. For this part, candidates are advised to bring their own pencils, a geometry box set, and colored pencils and crayons. No watercolor medium is allowed to use during the exam. Since color boxes supplied by the company are not permitted during security checks, it is advisable to keep them in separate pencil pouches.

Tentative Dates

The confirmed dates are yet to be released by NTA but here we are providing you with the tentative dates regarding the paper so that you will be able to practice for the exam accordingly.

Eligibility Criteria

Passed qualifying examination with Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.

Qualifying marks

· 75% (aggregate) in 12th

· For SC/ST candidates the qualifying marks would be 65% in 12th

· be in the top 20 percentile in the 12th class examination conducted by the respective Boards


Once the forms are released they can be filled out online on the JEE main website:

The Registration Process Involves:

  • Registration at the site

  • Filling the application form

  • Adding details

  • Uploading image and signature

  • Payment of application fees

  • Reviewing the form

Application form fees

Documents needed

  • Aadhaar card

  • Class 10 certificate

  • Class 12th certificate if passed, if appearing not needed

  • Scanned copy of recent passport size photo in white background

  • Scanned copy of signature in black or blue pen

Exam Pattern

  • Number of sections: 3

  • Name of section: part 1-mathematics, part2-aptitude, part 3- drawing part

  • Time is given: 3hrs

  • Number of questions in each section:

  • Maths- 20

  • Aptitude- 50

  • Drawing test- 02

· Marking scheme: 4 for each correct response

  • -1 for each incorrect response.

  • No marks for un-attempted questions.

  • No negative marking for non-MCQ questions.


The NTA will release the updated syllabus of 2022 along with the application form, but there is very little probability of portion changes, so for preparation one can refer to the syllabus below. The portion for mathematics and aptitude are the same for both JEE papers 2a and 2b.

Mathematics :

1. Sets, Relations, and Functions

2. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

3. Matrices And Determinants

4. Permutations And Combinations

5. Mathematical Inductions

6. Binomial Theorem and Its Simple Applications

7. Sequence And Series

8. Limit, Continuity, and Differentiability

9. Integral Calculus

10. Differential Equations

11. Co-Ordinate Geometry

12. Three-Dimensional Geometry

13. Vector Algebra

14. Statistics And Probability

15. Trigonometry

16. Mathematical Reasoning


1. Awareness of persons. Buildings, Materials:

a. Anthropometry

b. Building materials and technology

c. Objects, textures related to architecture

d. 3d visualization of objects from 2d drawings

e. Analytical reasoning

f. Mental ability

2. Three dimensional- perception:

a. Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportions of objects, building forms, and elements, color texture harmony, and contrast

b. Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil.

c. Transformation of forms both 2D and 3D union, subtraction rotation, development of surfaces and volumes

d. Generation of Plan

e. elevations and 3D views of objects

f. Creating two dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms


Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, etc). landscape (riverfronts. Jungle. Gardens, trees. Plants, etc.) and rural life.


You are now aware of the time constraints and syllabus. All you need are a few tips on how to start preparing. Once you accomplish that, you are set to go for being fully prepared for the examination.

1. Follow a strict schedule

2. Divide time for all three subjects

3. Practice mathematics daily

4. Solve reasoning questions from good books

5. Study different architectural styles

6. Basic concept on climatology should be clear

7. Practice perspective drawings

8. Time management is very important

9. Prepare notes

10. Maintain a sketchbook containing all the sketches you practice daily

11. Try solving previous year papers by setting a timer

12. Have a positive attitude and believe in yourself and your efforts.

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