GATE Syllabus for Architecture & Planning (AR) consists of topics from General Aptitude and Core Discipline including architecture and planning. The question paper comprises 65 questions of 100 marks. The majority of questions i.e. 55 will be from the core subject syllabus and the remaining 10 questions from General Aptitude Sections.
Candidates need to use the best books for GATE Architecture to ace the GATE exams. Referring to these GATE Architecture Books will help the candidates to boost their GATE Exam and Architecture and Planning preparation.
List of Books & Author
1. Building Construction- Sushil Kumar
2. Building Construction- B. C. Punmia
3. Building Construction- P. C. Varghese
4. Becoming a Landscape Architect: A Guide to Careers in Design- Kelleann Foster
5. History of Architecture- Fletcher
6. Urban Transport Planning and Management- Pratibha Deshmukh
7. Manual of Tropical Housing and building- Kelleann Foster
8. CAD/CAM: Principles and Applications- P N Rao
9. Building Services and Equipment: 2- F Hall
10. The Urban Pattern: City Planning and Design- Gallion
11. Strength of material- R S Khurmi
12. Building materials- P.C. Varghese
13. Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure- Rajagopalan
14. A history of architecture: Sir Banister fletchers- Dan Cruickshank